Building a Social media Strategy, and want to use Snapchat? Here are some quick tips.

Pick, Huddle, Go.
Yes pick Snapchat in your social media mix, brainstorm and huddle with your team, and go start building your story. That's how simple its going to be.
And if story telling has been something you focus on to build a winning advantage for your brand, here below are some ways to go about.
Let them do it
A brand needs to attract, engage and delight their audiences with unique stories.. Snapchat allows users to add filters, text, emojis and music from the platform itself. Give opportunity to your young consumers to engage with your brand in new fun ways.
Go ‘Live' with them
Several brands do live events, activations and on ground activities. Whenever you want a live event, or want to use an important day to give your consumers access to interesting information about your brand, go for it.
NBA used it for fans to watch matches and other exclusive videos. In fact several brands want their consumers to participate in the brands growth and evolution story.
Bring them home
Give the consumers an opportunity to see how you work, what you do, how your factories look, and know about all the other great stuff you do. Find ways for them to start participating in your growth journey.
Surprise and delight them
Give them special surprises, go ahead and create something different and unique for them. Some of it could be uniquely special. Let them feel valuable Snapchat is perfect to deliver private content which they may not get from other channels.
Promote blatantly, no issues
Brands look to engage with their audience with new content, interesting promotions and rewards. Think of interesting contests and rewards and find unique ways to get your consumers to push their contributions on Snapchat.
Its all about creativity and any brand can create magic with this platform.
Okay so lets now see some examples where brands have got Snapchat success and used the channel as a crucial part of their Social media strategy:
1] A energy drink brand made Canadian snowboarded champion give control of his Snapchat account which allowed users to see the inside of his lifestyle. It was extreme sports matching with the brand’s personality and delighted the consumers.
2] A food brand combined art and influence together, where artists illustrated drumsticks images, that appeared along with great facts about chicken wings.
3] Another apparel company generated picture overlays with their brand creating a sense of exclusivity with geofilters for their signature patterns.
4] A fast food brand sponsored Snapchat lens and allowed its users to create a filter where their face is swapped with their product, that ran only for a day. In just one day, its said to have got over 220 million views.
5] A TV show used the disappearing or self-destructing feature of messages to create 24 hour limit challenges.
6] Another game wanted to get people teased so it introduced the game slowly where hidden in each teaser update had an online map with Snapchat Snapcodes. Users had to scan the codes and uncover clues leading to massive buzz and earnings of over 1.3 bn impressions.
7] A TV channels created a real-time story of migrants journey in a documentary showing unexpected experiences and situations as they happened day by day, through Snapchat.
8] An amusement park hid footage of ghosts in between their Snapchat stories which would appear for just one second. Users had to take screenshots of these, barely visible ghosts.
Snapchat is no doubt about doing some great work and pushing the envelope, but also about being extremely subtle and authentic. As a general rule with your Social media strategy, don’t just jump into any social platform without knowing its relevance, role and potential. Additionally create ideas which are specific to Snapchat and not force fitting a different channel idea.
Happy Snapchatting.